​Under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPC's) are required to develop an emergency response plan, review it at least yearly, and provide information about hazardous chemicals in the community to its citizens.  Saline County's plan was developed by the Saline County LEPC with input from stakeholders within the County.  LEPC meets quarterly each year in the months of March, June, September and December.

LEPC members are appointed to the Committee by the County Commission, and are approved by the Missouri Emergency Response Commission.  Representatives from the following groups in Saline County serve on the LEPC:

  • Elected state and local officials
  • Emergency management
  • Law Enforcement, fire, EMS, and public health professionals
  • Environment, transportation, and hospital officials
  • Tier II Facility Representatives
  • Representatives from community groups and the media

The LEPC is required to publish information annually to inform the public know as to where, and during what hours, information on the following is available:  emergency response plans, chemical lists, inventory forms, toxic release forms, and follow-up emergency notices.  These materials are available for review by appointment at the office of the Saline County Emergency Management Agency, 153 S Odell, Marshall, MO.  Please contact us at 660-815-7864 to schedule an appointment.  More information on LEPC responsibilities can be obtained at:  http://mo.sema.dps.gov.


General Political Party

Saline County, Missouri

Saline County Local Emergency Planning Committee


Tom Jones, Chairperson | chad unterreiner, Vice-Chairperson | Sharon Sheffer, Secy-Treas